Tom Evans ear wax removal was set up to help clients suffering with ear wax build up to gain access to safe, hygienic and reliable ear wax removal in the comfort of their own home at a time that’s convenient to them.
Based in Newport, South Wales, we offer a home visit service to clients in south east Wales, using Micro suction or instrumentation to remove any ear wax which is impacting your hearing.
Prior to any procedure, a very brief medical history will be taken to ensure that any treatment is appropriate and suitable to the individual’s needs and preferences.
For the next part of the appointment I will use video otoscopy (a miniature video camera) to carry out a thorough visual inspection of the ear. During this inspection we will be looking out for some of the common ear conditions which can reduce hearing, in addition to looking for the presence of any wax which may be impacting your hearing.
If any impacting wax is found it will be removed using the most appropriate method. If no impacting ear wax is found then I will help you decide on the next appropriate course of action e.g. visit to pharmacy, GP or audiologist.
If you feel that conversations with loved ones are becoming difficult to hear or the TV volume is creeping up, please don’t wait. Contact me for an appointment and let’s get you hearing better.